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A Mom's Guide to Juggling It All During This Time

A Mom's Guide to Juggling It All During This Time

Mother's Day is fast approaching, and if there is ever a time to celebrate moms, it's now. So many mothers are suddenly working from home and taking care of their children on top of many other responsibilities, and it is a lot to manage. To show moms some love during this trying time, below we're sharing a few tips and tricks for making the best out of the situation and ensuring they’re taking care of themselves too. 

1. Ask for help

Although you are indeed a super mom, you don't need to do it all alone. Yes, social distancing has made things a bit tricker, but asking for support during this time is undoubtedly still doable. For example, if you don't have the time or energy to get groceries, order them online and have them delivered. Or, you can ask a friend or family member if they can pick up a few things for you the next time they go. As women, we tend to feel like a bother when we ask for help, but more often than not, people are beyond happy to lend a hand. It makes them feel good, and it makes you feel supported. It's a win-win. 

2. Create a routine

Giving your days some structure can be beneficial for your little ones and your sanity too. Routines give you some guidelines as to how you want your day to go and lets the kids know what to expect and look forward to. You can even get creative and map out your family's schedule on a big whiteboard. If you keep it where you can all see it, you're more likely to stick to it. That said, remember that the goal isn't to be perfect. The schedule is there to help guide you. But, if things come up, it's okay to go with the flow. 

3. Take advantage of naps

If your kids still take naps, set yourself up to seize those moments of quiet. Before they're even down for the nap, know what one to three tasks you'll plow through while they're sleeping, whether it's catching up on emails, returning a phone call, getting some work done, or finishing a load of laundry. You will be surprised how much you can tick off your to-do list during those little spurts of time. 

4. Pamper yourself 

To protect your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, it's essential that you also carve out some time to pour into yourself because you can't give and care for others from an empty cup. Whether it's a few minutes in the morning before your family wakes up or at night once the kids have gone to bed, spend some time rewarding yourself every day. One way to do this is by nourishing your skin with clean beauty products like Rael’s seven-step skincare system complete with toner, serum, cleanser, restoration cream, and more goodies that will make your skin look as fresh and glowy as it should. You deserve it. 

5. Practice self-compassion 

Lastly, this is a difficult time for everyone, and it's important to know that it's okay not to have it all together and excel at every single little thing. Some things are not going to get done. Your inbox will be overflowing. Your home may be messy. You may end up eating more takeout than you'd like because you're just too tired to cook. And that's all okay. Remind yourself that you're doing a great job and what you're doing is enough. 

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